Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Road to Recovery is Paved with Art!

Had ankle surgery and cannot walk on it for 6-8 weeks! My dog, Jake is my constant bed companion and my cat takes the night shift. This is when I first got home...looks about the same except I'm wearing a big black boot and my toenails are painted! At first it's nice to be able to do not much of anything and have people wait on you hand and foot. Surprisingly there is hardly any pain. I was hooked up to an ice machine 24-7, and there isn't much to do except think about what I wanted to do while I was on my "vacation". I like to make art in any form and am so thankful for this because I can't imagine spending all this time just watching TV or reading. So I crocheted a sweater, made bracelets, made journals, poem spools, read...OK, after 6 weeks I'm needing something else. I get around on a knee scooter so I can get to the computer now, however, it took a bit to get the knack of how to maneuver it and I took a fall and really sprained my thumb. Three weeks later it still hurts and the pain is much worse than the ankle ever was! I can still type tho, so I thought this would be a good time to start a blog and share pictures of things I have made and things I will make in the future. The downside to the limited mobility is not being able to get to all the things I want to in the house which limits some of the art projects I'm anxious to get to. It's still going to be weeks, but I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel!