Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's the Little Things in Life

I love the little free spirit in my 29 month old granddaughter, Norah. She was at the pumpkin patch where she picked not a smooth, orange pumpkin, but spotted the ones with little warty bumps on them and still partly green and chose one of those, a less than perfect, but a more interesting pumpkin. What really steals my heart (as tho she hasn't already) is that she takes a moment from visiting all the little animals at the petting zoo, all the pumpkins and other festivities there, and lays down in the sand to leave her mark by making a sand angel. The look on her face is pure enjoyment! She is in a magical moment!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Copper Cuff

This is a copper cuff bracelet I made this week at a class I took at Water Street Studios with Lisa Dienst-Thomas. I hammered, stamped and sanded and I'm very please with how it turned out!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wood Disk Doodle Bracelet

I saw a ceramic disk bracelet in a book that I liked and got an idea to make this bracelet. It's made from wood disks that you get at a craft store that I painted and used permanent magic maker pen...just for something fun!

I first painted all the wooden disks white and then drilled holes inthe center of each one. With a black magic marker I doodled some designs on them. You could paint the disks different colors or use colored designs on the front...skys the limit! Using a bead headpin I placed a black bead on the front and made a loop on the underside.

You can use any pre-made bracelet or even sew it on to a fabric bracelet or string it on to a ribbon, but I made one using two pieces of chain and joining them together with links and attaching the disks to the links with another smaller link.